Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I've been writing furiously these past few days. Furiously. I like the sound of that.

And I realize that it's because writing "mommy posts" de-stresses me. It's like a breath of fresh air from the usual contracts and pleadings. Not to mention the corporate disclosures. My 2-hour lunch break and the other 2-hour travel on my way home had been put to good use. And so I came up with 5 posts in a week's time. Unbelievable.

But as I was going over my posts last night, I noticed that there was nothing "legal" about them. My blog's title is "Legally Mom". Well, there's a lot of mommy stuff alright. But there's nothing that would justify the legal part.

I remember my marketing professor in the Ateneo Graduate School of Business telling the class that it's all about product differentiation. Applying it here, what would make by blog, the product, different from all the other mommy blogs out there? Nothing.

And so I thought that I should start posting legal-related articles that are of interest to moms (and dads). As a solo parent, are you entitled to additional work leaves under the law? Am I entitled to additional breaks from work as a breastfeeding mom?  Mothers are entitled to maternity leaves; what about the Dads? The possible topics are endless.

I would not give advice on specific cases, at least not in this blog. But I do hope that writing informative legal articles at least once a month will be of help to parents who want to know more about the laws, rules and regulations that may affect them or their children. Knowledge empowers.

In the end, it's not about product differentiation.  It's about who I am.

I am a mom.

I am also a lawyer.


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